AI-Based detection and the COVID-19 pandemic
Alleviating the burden on health systems
Since the pandemic started, RADLogics has responded rapidly. As of today, we’ve deployed our AI medical image analysis solution globally and we have processed and analyzed hundreds of thousands of suspected COVID-19 cases to support radiology, ER and ICU teams as they have become overwhelmed with the surge of patients. This builds on our decade of experience processing millions of CT and X-ray scans from actual clinical sites in the US, EU, Russia, China and India.
In addition to our global deployments, in accordance with FDA guidance for imaging systems and software to address the COVID-19 public health emergency, RADLogics is committed to making our CT and X-ray AI-Powered solutions available to hospitals and healthcare systems throughout the US for patient triage and management.
Our AI-Powered solutions provide quantitative analysis to clinical teams that perform testing and measurement of patients with severe or worsening respiratory condition. In turn, this provides care givers with a consistent, quantifiable information to accurately assess the seriousness of the illness, thus allowing doctors to better triage patients based on those that urgently need intensive care such as ventilator support.
The worldwide map below highlights where we have deployed our COVID-19 AI-Powered solutions to date.